XPath Selecting Text() And Link Text()

Websites are made up of HTML, which is a form of XML. XPath is a syntax for selecting sections of XML. It is useful for scraping websites. One of the most popular uses for XPath can be found within the lxml library of Python. There are other libraries and programs that allow you to scrape…

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How To Compile TypeScript On The Command Line

TypeScript is a programing language that is a superset of JavaScript. It allows setting types and allows ES6 functionality. It is the preferred language of Angular2 and is maintained by Microsoft. To compile TypeScript into JavaScript you need to have TypeScript installed. To install TypeScript using the Node Package Manager (npm) type the command: npm…

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Connecting Apple Laptop To Cisco Console Port

If you have physical access to a switch or router you can use a console cable to log into that router or switch. Doing so will allow you to make changes to the device’s configuration, such as setting the telnet password. Setting a telnet password will then allow you to log into the switch or…

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Digital Ocean DDOS attack

Distributed denial of service (DOS) attack happen to all service providers on the Internet. Almost every large Internet company is a victim of DDOS attacks. This is because the attacks are relatively easy to perform and they are effective. Digital Ocean (DO) is no exception. In fact, they are more likely to be the targets of…

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Make Bulma Burger Menu Interactive

Bulma is a popular css framework based on flexbox. It is becoming one of the more widely used css frameworks, but the documentation is still lacking at times. One of the less obvious examples is Bulma’s navbar example. In Bulma’s example, when you look at the page in a narrowed browser you see that the menus change…

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Redirecting Using a CNAME is a Mistake

The CNAME ( Canonical Name record) is a DNS record which points one domain name to another. When using a CNAME you are basically telling the Internet that one domain name is simply an alias for another domain name. All traffic sent to the first domain name will go directly to the second domain name….

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Hurricane Electric IP Transit Review

Hurricane Electric (HE) is an Internet backbone providing a number of services including colocation, IP transit (dedicated Internet access/paid peering) and layer 2 transport (private line). A company I work for has been using Hurricane Electric as one of our upstream Internet Service Providers for a number of years. This is a review of HE’s IP…

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Google Not Indexing Create React App

Create-react-app is a great tool for building React applications and websites. It’s super simple to use and creates a whole development environment without and build configuration. You do not need to struggle with setting up webpack and other tools just to work with react. It’s all there ready for you to use. Once installed you have…

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Five Most Common DNS Mistakes and Misconfigurations

DNS is like the yellow-pages of the Internet. It can be confusing at times, and there are some common DNS mistakes that many novice and even experienced DNS administrators make. Here are the top most common DNS mistakes and solutions for them. Do not let misconfigured DNS settings break your website. Using a CNAME for…

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