The first server listing in the nginx configuration will be the default action for all domain name requests to that server. This will be true unless a server action is labeled default_server. This means that the server might render a website for any domain name that is requested from nginx.
To prevent this behavior you must specify what the default action will be. I generally want my nginx server to reply with a 404 error when a nonexistent domain name is queried.
One way to do this is to ensure thatserver {
is the very first server in your nginx config files. This is easy to do if you have a single config file. Just put the above as the first server listing followed by server listing for your domain names, like this:
return 404;
}server {
return 404;
server {
server_name FIRST_DOMAIN;
server {
server_name SECOND_DOMAIN;
The above works well if you have a single configuration file. Maybe you only have a single file with one or two domain names in your sites-enabled folder.
However, if you have multiple configuration files, it is much easier to have a default file with the default_server option set. This tells nginx that this is the default behavior for all unknown domain requests.
This configuration file would look something like this:server {
listen *:80 default_server;
return 404;