
IP Transit Over An Exchange Explained

Different computer networks connect to one another to make up the Internet as a whole. These connections often happen in specific physical locations. These locations are usually buildings that have historically been a place where networks could easily connect to multiple other networks. These networks either connect to each other directly or they do so…

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Amazon EC2/S3 Versus VPS Hosting

Hosting important web infrastructure, such as a website, in ‘the cloud’ is smart. By using a hosting providers such as Amazon or a VPS provider you are ensuring that your system is monitored and kept online 24 hours a day. This is a cheaper and easier option than hosting things yourself. Two popular options for hosting web infrastructure include…

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The Show Memory Cisco command

The ‘show memory’ command is a powerful tool in the Cisco IOS operating system that provides detailed information about the memory usage of a network device. This command is invaluable for troubleshooting memory-related issues, optimizing performance, and ensuring the overall health of the network device. To use the ‘show memory’ command, simply enter it in…

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Convert M4a on Ubuntu Linux

m4a is music coding format that is no where near as popular as mp3. On my android phone I have two music apps, and neither of them knows how to open an m4a file, but mp3 files play just fine. Instead of searching for another music app that will work with m4a files, I use…

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Internet Backbone Networks

Internet Backbone Networks The Internet backbone is a set of network connections owned by the largest Internet providers. These backbone networks are often called Tier 1 networks. A tier 1 network is an Internet provider which does not have to pay anyone else for IP transit. Instead the tier 1 network peers with other tier 1 networks…

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What Are Points of Presence (POPs)?

A computer network is spread out to many different locations. The larger the network, the more connection points there are in that network. A Point of Presence (POP) is a physical location where a certain network or ISP has a piece of equipment at. These POPs are places where others can connect to that network….

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VIM Movement Maze Game

Like in vim, use the ‘h’, ‘j’, ‘k’, and ‘l’ keys to move around. Give ‘G’, ‘gg’, ‘0’ (zero) and ‘$’ a try for faster movement. Try to get from one end of the maze to the other, and back. This game will help you get used to the basic vim movements. + @ +—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+…

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P2/Phaser Revolute Constraint Made Simple

Revolute constraint is a way for two physics objects in the P2 physics system to interact with one another. This is a revolving type of constraint that can be used to create a hinge or a joint. The two bodies end up having a pivot point between them. P2 is a realistic and complex JavaScript…

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