The Clock Set [Hh:Mm:Ss] [Month Day Year] Cisco command

Command: clock set [hh:mm:ss] [month day year]

Function: Sets the system time on a Cisco device.



The clock set command can be used to set the system time on a Cisco device. The command is entered in the following format:

clock set [hh:mm:ss] [month day year]

For example, to set the system time to 12:34:56 on January 1, 2023, you would enter the following command:

clock set 12:34:56 01 01 2023


The clock set command is supported on all Cisco devices that run the IOS operating system.


The following example shows how to use the clock set command to set the system time on a Cisco router:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# clock set 12:34:56 01 01 2023
Router(config)# end

Additional Information:

clock set [hh:mm:ss] [month day year] Usage Examples

Example 1: Setting the system time to 1:30 PM on January 15, 2023.

clock set 13:30:00 Jan 15 2023

Example 2: Setting the system time to 8:00 AM on March 8, 2024.

clock set 08:00:00 Mar 8 2024

Example 3: Setting the system time to 11:45 PM on December 31, 2025.

clock set 23:45:00 Dec 31 2025

Example 4: Setting the system time to 10:00 AM on February 29, 2028, a leap year.

clock set 10:00:00 Feb 29 2028