
Phonetic Alphabet For Talking Over The Phone



The NATO phonetic alphabet is specifically designed to allow native speakers of different languages clearly understand what letter one is referring to. This is especially useful for anyone who does technical support over the phone. If you do phone tech support and you often have to spell out what a user must type. This can include commands, user names and passwords.

To better serve your customers, and to make your life a lot easier, your should have a copy of the NATO phonetic alphabet handy. I memorized this alphabet early on when I first began doing tech support over the phone. It has served me well and is one of the most useful things I have memorized.

The alphabet goes:

NATO Phonetic Alphabet

Letter phonetic letter
A Alpha
B Bravo
C Charlie
D Delta
E Echo
F Foxtrot
G Golf
H Hotel
I India
J Juliet
K Kilo
L Lima
M Mike
N November
O Oscar
P Papa
Q Quebec
R Romeo
S Sierra
T Tango
U Uniform
V Victor
W Whiskey
X X-ray
Y Yankee
Z Zulu


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