VIM is a very powerful text editor. It or it’s predecessor, VI come installed on every nix based computer. If you ever need to edit a file...
The Internet is made up of a bunch of smaller networks. All these small networks connect to one another is some manner. Some of them buy...
Setting up fastcgi caching on your nginx webserver is a great idea. Especially if you are running a WordPress site or a site that otherwise uses...
Google’s Adsense came out with a responsive ad fairly recently. It’s a neat idea where ads respond to the space they are given. This allows Adsense...
BGP is the protocol used to talk between networks. It is the protocol of the Internet. To connect your network to other networks you will likely...
Vim with plugins is a popular IDE option. The reason most people stay away from Vim is the steep learning curve. Most of Vim’s power comes...
The first server listing in the nginx configuration will be the default action for all domain name requests to that server. This will be true unless...
BGP uses different metrics to select which path to send data. This is how BGP chooses paths. Attribute Description/Notes Winning Metric Weight local to the router...
Also see this vim maze game. This vim/vi game covers basic movement commands. I highly recommend starting with some basic commands and then just using vim to...
Given a valid IPv6 address, this generator returns a regular expression which will match all valid forms of that IPv6 address. This includes compact forms, canonical...