OHosti is the first result I found when I put “free VPS” into google. I checked out their website, and man, it looks slick. The site...
Websites are made up of HTML, which is a form of XML. XPath is a syntax for selecting sections of XML. It is useful for scraping...
TypeScript is a programing language that is a superset of JavaScript. It allows setting types and allows ES6 functionality. It is the preferred language of Angular2...
If you have physical access to a switch or router you can use a console cable to log into that router or switch. Doing so will...
Distributed denial of service (DOS) attack happen to all service providers on the Internet. Almost every large Internet company is a victim of DDOS attacks. This is...
Bulma is a popular css framework based on flexbox. It is becoming one of the more widely used css frameworks, but the documentation is still lacking at...
The CNAME ( Canonical Name record) is a DNS record which points one domain name to another. When using a CNAME you are basically telling the...
Hurricane Electric (HE) is an Internet backbone providing a number of services including colocation, IP transit (dedicated Internet access/paid peering) and layer 2 transport (private line). A...
Create-react-app is a great tool for building React applications and websites. It’s super simple to use and creates a whole development environment without and build configuration. You...
Common domain name extensions such as .com, .net, .org can be bought for less than ten dollars. But there are other, less common domain name extensions that...