BGP Path Selection Cheatsheet

BGP uses different metrics to select which path to send data. This is how BGP chooses paths. Attribute Description/Notes Winning Metric Weight local to the router Highest LOCAL_PREF Within the ASN, 100 by default Highest Locally Originated Local paths that are sourced by the network or redistribute commands are preferred over local aggregates that are…

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Vim/Vi Learning Game

Also see this vim maze game. This vim/vi game covers basic movement commands. I highly recommend starting with some basic commands and then just using vim to edit files. As you progress and learn the basics you can begin to add more advances vim commands. Learning vim is a process that should be taken in steps….

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Individual IPv6 Address Regex Generator

Given a valid IPv6 address, this generator returns a regular expression which will match all valid forms of that IPv6 address. This includes compact forms, canonical forms and all other ways of writing the Ipv6 address. An IPv6 address regex is a regular expression pattern used to validate and match IPv6 addresses in text strings….

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An Introduction To BGP Traffic Shaping

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the protocol of the Internet. It is the main external gateway protocol used to connect separate networks to one another. This article provides an easy to understand introduction to BGP and how it is used to shape traffic. It describes how BGP is used to ensure that the Internet is…

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OHosti Review

OHosti is the first result I found when I put “free VPS” into google. I checked out their website, and man, it looks slick. The site looks professional and well put together. It also looks like they offer a ton of stuff, all for free. If something sounds too good to be true, then it…

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XPath Selecting Text() And Link Text()

Websites are made up of HTML, which is a form of XML. XPath is a syntax for selecting sections of XML. It is useful for scraping websites. One of the most popular uses for XPath can be found within the lxml library of Python. There are other libraries and programs that allow you to scrape…

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How To Compile TypeScript On The Command Line

TypeScript is a programing language that is a superset of JavaScript. It allows setting types and allows ES6 functionality. It is the preferred language of Angular2 and is maintained by Microsoft. To compile TypeScript into JavaScript you need to have TypeScript installed. To install TypeScript using the Node Package Manager (npm) type the command: npm…

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Connecting Apple Laptop To Cisco Console Port

If you have physical access to a switch or router you can use a console cable to log into that router or switch. Doing so will allow you to make changes to the device’s configuration, such as setting the telnet password. Setting a telnet password will then allow you to log into the switch or…

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