
IPv6 Nginx On Multiple Sites

To configure Ipv6 on multiple domains on an nginx server you must include the listen [::]:80; line in every server. The trick is to also include listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; onto the server server/domain that nginx is listening to. Here is an example configuration with two sites both of which respond to IPv4 and Ipv6:…

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The Ip Nat Outside Cisco command

The Cisco command ‘ip nat outside’ is used to configure the IP address and interface that will be used for outbound Network Address Translation (NAT). This command is typically used in conjunction with the ‘ip nat inside’ command, which specifies the IP address and interface used for inbound NAT. The ‘ip nat outside’ command allows…

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Linode DDOS attack

Linode is one of the top VPS providers in the market. They have a huge amount of customers at all levels, from the low end to enterprise. And for the last week or so they have been the target of a large number of DDOS attacks. These DDOS attacks are obviously not targeting any specific customer, but Lindoe…

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What is a datacenter U rack unit?

Colocation and datacenter cabinets and racks are measures in rack units. The height of a cabinet is a set number of rack units. These rack units are usually represented by the letter “U”. A common datacenter cabinet height is 42U or 42 rack units. Servers are also measures in rack unit height. So you may…

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VirMach Review

UPDATE 2023: Virmach is not longer operating a valid service. They have stopped responding to tickets and their VPS instances are offline. Looks like the company has closed without informing customers.   Virach is a low-end VPS provider. I had heard about them here and there for a few years, but recently began to see a…

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Best Linux Distribution for a webhosting VPS

Linux distributions are like religions for some people. They swear by one and will argue to the death that it is superior to all others. With people holding such strong feelings it can be difficult to find the Linux distro which is best for your virtual private server (VPS). The truth is, it largely depends on what…

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